The Centre of Excellence in Arts & Design, Mehran University of Engineering &Technology, Jamshoro is the second national institute in public sector imparting education in the fields of Arts, Design and Architecture & Planning. CEAD has been proactively contributing since 1999. CEAD invites the applications from eligible maleifemale citizens of Pakistan for following vacant positions:
1. Professor (BPS-21)
2. Associate Professor (BPS-20) Architecture & Planning, Fine Arts,Textile Design and Communication Design.
3. Assistant Professor (BPS-19)
4. Lecturer (BPS-18) Architecture & Planning, Fine Arts,Textile Design and Communication Design and Ceramic Design. Discipline
5. Executive Engineer (BPS-18)
6. Accounts Officer (BPS-17)
For detailed information regarding qualification, experience and other instructions, please visit CEAD website:
The candidates possessing the educational qualifications and fulfilling the conditions should apply on the prescribed application forms obtainable from the office of the Administrative Officer, CEAD, MUET, Jamshoro on payment of Rs. 2000/- for Teaching and Rs. 1000/- for Non-Teaching positions through Bank Challan Draft in the name of Director Centre of Excellence in Arts & Design, MUET, Jamshoro on or before the 17th February, 2015.
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